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U Moskvi je izveden mjuzikl Krevet za trojeu okviru Kompanije „Krass“ i režiji Marije de Valuhov, dok je u Bukureštu prema motivima Pavićeve proze postavljena predstava Zvezdani plašt, u Teataru Mik i režiji None Čobanu.
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U julskom broju brazilskog književnog časopisa RASCUNHO objavljena je prva tabla stripa po „Hazarskom rečniku“. Reč je o ilustraciji odrednice Akšani, Jabir Ibn iz Zelene knjige. Autor je poznati brazilski ilustrator Ramon Muniz.
U Srbiji se prvi strip po motivima Pavićeve proze pojavio kao zasebno srpsko-englesko izdanje (kolorni album) pod nazivom Treći argument, 1995. Autor stripa je Zoran Tucić, a scenarista Zoran Stefanović.
Brazilian literary magazine RASCUNHO (July 2010) published panel comic book by „Dictionary of the Khazars“. It is an illustration dictionary entries Aksana, Jabir Ibn from the Green book. The author is a famous Brazilian illustrator Ramon Muniz.
In Serbia, the first strip by motives Pavić’s prose appeared as a separate Serbian-English edition (color album) called the Third argument, 1995. Comic book author is Zoran Tucić and writer is Zoran Stefanović.
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U okviru 45. Kočićevog zbora u Banja Luci, održan je 27. avgusta 2010. Okrugli sto o stvaralaštvu Milorada Pavića. Na skupu su govorili: Jurij Nečiporenko (Rusija), Boris Lazić (Francuska – Sorbona), Sava Damjanov (Srbija), Jasmina Mihajlović (Srbija), Mladen Šukalo (Republika Srpska), Milenko Stojičić (Republika Srpska), Zdravko Kecman (Republika Srpska).
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Fondacija Račanska baština je 1-4.oktobra 2009. organizovala okrugli sto pod nazivom PAVIĆEV LAVIRINT, povodom osamdeset godina života pisca i dvadeset i pet godina od pojave Hazarskog rečnika. Oktobra 2010. izašao je zbornik radova sa tog skupa, čiji je priređivač prof. Sava Damjanov. U zborniku radova pod nazivom PAVIĆEVI PALIMPSESTI objavljeni su tekstovi sledećih autora:
Milorad Pavić’s eBooks
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24. October 2010. On September 2010, „Kindle editions“ (Kindle Edition) Library on Amazon.com website, published three e-books of Milorad Pavic in English: The Second body, Unique Item and Blue Book (100 different endings of the novel Unique Item).
Pavic is the first Serbian writer whose e-titles took their place in this virtual library with more than 490,000 titles. At the same time Milorad Pavic is a writer who supported internet and electronic form of publishing, for almost a decade. Kindle reader is lighter than a mobile phone, it can fit about 35,000 books, wireless download of individual titles takes about a minute, is easy to handle, has the option for changing the font type and size, the screen has no reflection, and the whole device has a thickness of 3mm and it’s about medium-sized book.
The memorial plate dedicated to Milorad Pavić was announced on February 21st, at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. In the memory of the famous Serbian writer and author of the world bestselling “Dictionary of the Khazars” memorial plate was placed at the entrance of the Central reading room of University library, which will in future carry the name of Milorad Pavić.
Besides the epochal novel-lexicon that brought him a nomination for the Nobel Prize for Literature, Pavić wrote numerous books, of which almost all were translated into 35 languages in 156 edition so far. Pavić was also very prominent in scientific research and education. He was a professor of Serbian literature at University of Novi Sad (1974-1990), as well the dean of the faculty (1977-1979). The leading Serbian writer of the epoch, translator, literary historian and member of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences died in 2009 in Belgrade, 80 year old.
Earlier this march at Venice University (Università Ca’Foscari di Venezia Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere), Bojana Marcello Grimani defended the Master thesis entitled THE POETICS OF FICTION. IN GAP OF TIME AND SPACE IN MILORAD PAVIC’S WORK (POETIKA FANTASTIČNOG U RASKORAKU VREMENA I PROSTORA U DELIMA MILORADA PAVIĆA). Her mentor was Ch. mo. Prof. Alexander Naumow and assistant Dott. ssa Aleksandra Mladenovic.
Bojana Marcello is also actively engaged in translation, so the story „The Wedgwood Tea Set“, M. Pavic (on which basis TV Belgrade twenty years ago filmed the drama, whose motive is also used for movie Byzantine Blue), can now be read in translation to Italian Il servizio da tè Wedgwood. This Pavic’s story has been translated as part of its collections of stories in about 30 languages, except Italian. In such a way Bojana Marcelo’s venture represents as curiosity.
Milorad Pavić on Amazon Kindle Reader
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Earlier this May Jasmina Mihajlović a writer, who manages Milorad Pavić’s Bequest and Foundation held lecture in Institute for Literature and Arts, entitled „ M. Pavić novels on E-book Kindle reader“
In theater Prijedor (Republika Srpska) a play Petkutin i Kalina had its premiere on 7 May 2011th, by texts of Milorad Pavić and the adaptation of director Gradimir Gojer from Sarajevo. With the subtitle Play Pavich in the play are primarily used components of drama „A Theater Menu: For Ever and a Day“, but also excerpts from the novel „Dictionary of the Khazars „,“Landscape painted with tea“ and Milorad Pavić’s stories.
Piece „For Ever and a Day“ has so far played in Moscow (MHAT, 2002) and Macedonia (Bitola National Theatre, 2004). This is the first performance in the Serbian language. Drama was published in printed form in 1993rd.