Pavić's Unique Item has come out in French for the first time this year, 2021, just before the author's birthday on October 15th.
The novel, published by Dereta in 2004, has now been printed by young French publisher Monts Metalliferes, translated by Marija Bežanovska.
Hazarski rečnik na ruskom u Srbiji, gostovanje baleta u Moskvi, Jasmina Mihajlović na "Sputniku"
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Izdavačka kuća"Dereta" je u svojoj ediciji srpskih romana na stranim jezicima objavila rusku verziju Hazarskog rečnika, u izvrsnom prevodu Larise Saveljeve, koja je prevela gotovo sve Pavićeve knjige u Rusiji.
Veliki broj Rusa koji živi u Srbiji i regionu godinama po srpskim knjižarama traži ovaj roman na svom jeziku, kao što i znatan broj građana Srbije nosi ovu knjigu, na poklon, u Rusiju. Zato se ukazala potreba za takvim izdanjem.
Da podsetimo, svi Pavićevi naslovi su više puta izdati u Rusiji, a sam Hazarski rečnik tridesetak puta. Međutim srpsko izdanje je prvo ilustrovano izdanje na ruskom.
Legat Milorada Pavića se poverava na čuvanje Biblioteci grada Beograda; intervju o Legatu
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Milorad Pavić je još 1992. godine zaveštao svoj Legat Gradu Beogradu. Od 2019. je rađeno na reviziji Ugovora iz 1992, jer je vreme pokazalo da je potrebno institucionalno i operativno staranje, te je Sekretarijat za kulturu grada Beograda organizovao rad na stručnom popisivanju građe (biblioteka, arhiva, umetnine), koje je rezultiralo decembra 2021. potpisivanjem revidiranog Ugovora između Grada Beograda (gradonačelnik Zoran Radojičić), Jasmine Mihajlović (supruga), Ivana Pavića (sin) i Biblioteke grada Beograda (direktorka Jasmina Ninkov).
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Milorad Pavic's longtime Spanish-Mexican publisher Sexto piso published a selection of twenty-five stories titled "Poison Mirrors". The foreword was written at the suggestion of the publisher by our own Goran Petrovic. The book is designed top-notch.
Japanese publisher Shoraisha published Pavic's stories in Tokyo under the title "Sixteen Dream Stories".
The young Serbian publisher, Sumatra, decided to publish Pavic's chain novel "Seven Deadly Sins", which takes place on the Sava Slope in Belgrade and for which the author received the Andric Award.
Soon Serbian Vulcan willissue a capital one-to-one piece -Milorad Pavic's "All Stories". The book should be accompanied by the aforementioned Goran Petrovic's foreword, finally in Serbian.
The capital edition of Milorad Pavic – All Stories appeared in the edition of "Vulcan". Foreword was written by Goran Petrovic.
The editorial board of "Vulcan" has created an interesting video where it says : Finally you have the opportunity to see what the process of the creation of the book looks like – from the preparation of the text to the press itself.
Sve priče Milorada Pavića u jednoj knjizi>>>
"Sumatra" featured poetry by Milorad Pavic – Palimpsesti. The first edition of this Pavic poetic collection was back in 1967.
This time the Question was written by Milan Gromovic.
A new edition of Milorad Pavic's Dictionary of the Khazars has come out in Shanghai. It's the fourth edition of this Chinese-language novel.
As usual, Shanghai Translation Publishing House prints the book in a luxurious, plain binding and electronic form.
The luxury edition is in a box, and the book itself is enriched with illustrations by Bulgarian artist Yassen Panov and pop-up charts by Serbian artist Andjela Srejic, inspired by the image of Princess Ateh.
So far, the Chinese publishing house has printed except for Dictionary of the Khazars and Pavic's book Last Love in Constantinopol and Second Body.
Let's remember, Dictionary of the Khazars was named Foreign Book of the Year in China in 2012.
Pavić's books have so far been translated into 40 languages. The only language in which Pavić has not been translated so far is Arabic.
In 2022, in addition to translations into Spanish, Hungarian, Chinese and Russian, many editions of Milorad Pavić in Serbian were renewed. A total of nine titles! First of all, Vulcan (Vulkan) printed the capital one-volume work "All Stories". The foreword was written by Goran Petrović.
Cosmos (Kosmos) published the novels "Inner Side of the Wind", "The Last Love in Constantinople" and "Landscape Painted with Tea".
The publisher Sumatra reissued Pavić's long-unpublished poems "Palimpsesti", followed by the books "Zvezdani plašt" (Star Cape), "Mali noćni roman", "Pozorište od hartije"(Paper Theatre) and "Sedam smrtnih grehova"(Seven Mortal Sins).
portal Praktika, 20. 12. 2022.
Jasminu Mihajlović ne možemo kratko predstaviti. Autorka više bestseler romana, putopisa; prevođena u inostranstvu, čitana u Srbiji; predstavnica jednog ženskog, fluidnog pisanja koje oštro secira društvo, ali i uživa u lepoti; uz to još i književna kritičarka i naučnica; biograf jednog od najznačajnijih srpskih pisaca, Milorada Pavića, kao i staratelj Legata Milorada Pavića nakon njegove smrti. Sa njom danas razgovaramo o književnosti, pisanju, o književnom životu sa Miloradom Pavićem i o kompleksnom radu na objavljivanju njegovih dela kod nas i u inostranstvu.
Pročitajte ceo intervju>>>>
The book "Artificial Mole", the last written and published work of Milorad Pavić from 2009, is once again among readers.
The publisher Sumatra printed the book with the Foreword by Mina Đurić. Before that, it was under the title "Artificial Mole". Three short non-linear novels about love" published by Matica srpska in Novi Sad. The book was translated into Czech and Russian, and publisher Vulkan published it together with the novel "Second Body" in Selected Works, considering that both titles ("Second Body " and "Artificial Mole") are among Pavić's last books.
The publisher Sumatra has reissued six long-unpublished books, first of all Pavić's poems "Palimpsesti", and then also the titles "Star Cape", "Small Night Novel", "Paper Theater", "Seven Mortal Sins" and "Artificial Mole".
Uspeh žene: Jasmina Mihajlović (intervju)
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Upoznala sam je na jednoj kulturnoj manifestaciji, kada sam otišla da vidim Pavićev Legat. Moja želja da vidim mesto gde je on živeo sa njom i ona sa njim je bila velika, kao i želja da joj se, malo kasnije, javim. Reagovala je kako sam i očekivala – kulturno i dostojanstveno. I sva moja dalja priča sa njom, koja se nastavila, takva je – poštena, inspirativna i veličanstveno interesantna. Žena pisac (11 knjiga), priređivač, biograf, književni kritičar, bibliograf, putnik, “putoknjiževnik”.