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Na državnoj televiziji je na dan pred desetogosišnjicu smrti prikazana velika emisija "Pavićeva Kutija za pisanje". Autorka Marija Miljević, je koristila snimke iz stana i razgovore koje je vodila sa Pavićem, još 2004, spajajući ih sa sadašnjim snimcima Legata. Glumac Nebojša Dugalić je govorio tekstove iz Pavićevih dela.
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They talked about Pavic's work, Jasmina Mihajlovic, Jasmina Ninkov (Director of the Belgrade City Library), the author of the exhibition Vladislav Ivkovic and Isidora Injac and the author Marija Miljevic spoke about the film.
The Literary Evening took place despite a general strike in France.
See information here:
Izašlo je prvo ilustrovano izdanje Hazarskog rečnika na srpskom. Ilustrator je bugarski umetnik Jasen Panov, koji je gotovo dve decenije radio na minucioznim crtežima za knjigu. Izdavači su "Kosmos" iz Beograda i "Nova knjiga" iz Podgorice.
- Hits: 69179
This is Jasmina Mihajlović's most intimate book in which she turns in an intriguing way towards humor, delicate horror and amusing essayistic writing. The title, primarily, represents a step back from the world (people), with a mild irony in the author's question: ... for, who will (even) read a Boring Book? The book is composed of small narrative worlds, from a social and sociological paradox to an intimate lyrical narration, with everything in just the right measure for one to feel the power of virtue and the weight of everyday life, as put by the well-known aesthetics scholar: Everything is perfect in the micro and the macro world.
Only in our world everything is wrong. By this book the author presents herself in those most delicate, finest landscapes of short prose in which she permits the reader to pause, rest, take a breath and finally peek into his own Miscellany – the subtitle and genre of the book, and a summary of the author's approach to her previous works: travelogu, lovestories, reflections on the phenomenon of the modern world and its interweaving with the ancient...
Jasmina Mihajlovic turned to humor, subtle horror, fun essay writing in "Bored Book". Her "Quarrel" as the subtitle-genre of the book reads, is a summary of everything the author has dealt with in her previous books: travelogues, love stories, tracking the phenomena of the modern world and intertwining with the ancient.
And that is how the book ends, with a section entitled Private. Apart from openness towards the world, offered by the second part of the book, but also openness towards herself, Jasmina Mihajlović has managed to achieve the elementary goal of every writer: for the book to have an address. Exciting, intriguing, at times painful, sharp and deeply experienced, this warm book has only one address which it offers to its readers, which is: Ours. Every address is ours.
M. Pavić's book "Writing Box" is in the trilingual parallel corpus of the European project ParCOLab, whose headquarters are in France. The site is intended for linguists, translators, students… The texts are given in parallel in Serbian, English, French and Spanish.
More at: www.parcolab.univ-tlse2.fr
Exciting, intriguing, at times painful, at times even harsh. And deeply lived-through. From a social and sociological paradox, to an intimate lyrical address. The "Boring Book" by Jasmina Mihajlović
See more at: https://dereta.rs/p/10150/Dosadna-knjiga
After 32 years, a new edition of Pavic's masterpiece has just been published in Italy by VOLAND.
VOLAND is an independent Publishing House established in 1994 paying great attention to Slavic Literatures as suggested by the name itself inspired by the masterpiece of Michail Bulgakov, Мастер и Маргарита. Once again Italian readers can enjoy Pavic's most popular novel in a completely new translation by Alice Parmeggiani.
Alice Parmeggiani about "Dictionary of the Khazars"
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The Parisian publisher "Attila" (Le Nouvel Attila) published for the first time Pavić's novel Writing Box in French, translated by Maria Bežanovska. To remind, the same publisher published a reissue of Dictionary of the Khazars in 2015. where the book won a design award. The cover was once again designed by Gabrielle Coze.
Pavic's Writing Box has so far been translated into English, Russian, French, Bulgarian and Georgian.
See more about the book here
Dokumentarni film "Kutija za pisanje"
- Hits: 85466
Na 67-68. Festivalu dokumentarnog i kratkometražnog filma, prikazano je u Velikoj sali Doma omladine ostvarenje Matije Miljević - Rajšić, "Pavićeva kutija za pisanje".
- „Pavićeva kutija za pisanje“ / Pavić – WritingBox
- r : Marija Miljević Rajšić (32’ 42”), Srbija, 2019.
Delovi ovog dokumentarca prikazani su na RTS-u novembra meseca 2019, a u decembru je publika isto ostvarenje mogla da vidi u Parizu,u Srpskom kulturnom centru. Zbog epidemijske situacije, festivalska premijera filma je bila tek u aprilu 2021.
Dokumentarni film "Pavićeva kutija za pisanje" možete pogledati ovde: