Novi Heder 2021 001 1

The memorial plate dedicated to Milorad Pavić was announced on February 21st, at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. In the memory of the famous Serbian writer and author of the world bestselling “Dictionary of the Khazars” memorial plate was placed at the entrance of the Central reading room of University library, which will in future carry the name of Milorad Pavić.

Besides the epochal novel-lexicon that brought him a nomination for the Nobel Prize for Literature, Pavić wrote numerous books, of which almost all were translated into 35 languages in 156 edition so far. Pavić was also very prominent in scientific research and education. He was a professor of Serbian literature at University of Novi Sad (1974-1990), as well the dean of the faculty (1977-1979). The leading Serbian writer of the epoch, translator, literary historian and member of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences died in 2009 in Belgrade, 80 year old.

Earlier this march at Venice University (Università Ca’Foscari di Venezia Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere), Bojana Marcello Grimani defended the Master thesis entitled THE POETICS OF FICTION. IN GAP OF TIME AND SPACE IN MILORAD PAVIC’S WORK (POETIKA FANTASTIČNOG U RASKORAKU VREMENA I PROSTORA U DELIMA MILORADA PAVIĆA). Her mentor was Ch. mo. Prof. Alexander Naumow and assistant Dott. ssa Aleksandra Mladenovic.

Bojana Marcello is also actively engaged in translation, so the story „The Wedgwood Tea Set“, M. Pavic (on which basis TV Belgrade twenty years ago filmed the drama, whose motive is also used for movie Byzantine Blue), can now be read in translation to Italian Il servizio da tè Wedgwood. This Pavic’s story has been translated as part of its collections of stories in about 30 languages, except Italian. In such a way Bojana Marcelo’s venture represents as curiosity.

02.Premijera2In theater Prijedor (Republika Srpska) a play Petkutin i Kalina had its premiere on 7 May 2011th, by texts of Milorad Pavić and the adaptation of director Gradimir Gojer from Sarajevo. With the subtitle Play Pavich in the play are primarily used components of drama „A Theater Menu: For Ever and a Day“, but also excerpts from the novel „Dictionary of the Khazars „,“Landscape painted with tea“ and Milorad Pavić’s stories.



03.Petkutin i Kalina2Piece „For Ever and a Day“ has so far played in Moscow (MHAT, 2002) and Macedonia (Bitola National Theatre, 2004). This is the first performance in the Serbian language. Drama was published in printed form in 1993rd.

On Friday 20th May through diplomatic cargo flight, bronze monument of  Serbian writer Milorad Pavić arrived from Azerbaijan. Official unveiling ceremony will be arranged 8th June 2011. with Serbian President Boris Tadić, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Alijev and Pavić’s widow, writer Jasmina Mihajlović.

Monument dedicated to Milorad Pavić, work of university professor and sculptor from Baku – Natigu Alijev, is three meters high. It’s made of bronze plating, and have special seismic construction. Sculptor Alijev, in order to introduce with writer’s life and work besides photography, film and video, traveled to Moscow to see Pavić’s monument in the Alley of writers, the work of Russian sculptor Grigorij Potocki, which is set in the capital of Russia in 2008, during his lifetime.

At the opening ceremony of Embassy of the Republic of the Azerbaijan 8th June 2011. in Belgrade, Milorad Pavic’s Bequest an Foundation gave to the city of Baku facsimile of the manuscript „Dictionary of the Khazars“. A facsimile is handed to the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, in the presence of Serbian and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, numerous guests, representatives of the clergy and diplomatic corps.

The text on the facsimile:

Milorad Pavić

Dictionary of the Khazars

Unique facsimil of the original manuscript „Dictionary of the Khazars“ written by Serbian author Milorad Pavic. It owns only Baku. The original is in Belgrade. In a sign of deepest gratitude to the people of Azerbaijan State, on behalf of Milorad Pavic’s Bequest gave Jasmina Mihajlovic.

Belgrade, Serbia, 8 June 2011. on the official opening ceremony of the Milorad Pavic’s monument in the Tasmajdan Park, work of sculptor Natigu Aliyev.


In the newly reconstructed Tasmajdan park 8th June 2011, in downtown of Belgrade a monument dedicated to Milorad Pavic was unveiled . Monument was revealed by Serbian President Boris Tadic and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

Three meter high monument made of bronze plating is work of sculptor Natigu Aliyev, university profesor from Baku and member of Russian Academy of Arts.

On the occasion, special deluxe edition of Milorad Pavic’s Dictionary of the Khazars – translation on Azeri language was printed, with photography of the monument.

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Песня  „Ай, волна“ группы Мельница написана на основе рассказа Милорада Павича „Долгое ночное плавание“ (Вывернутая перчатка)

Ай, волна, ай…
Ай, волна, ай…
Я думала, что подвал – темно.
Думала, не найду окно,
Ай, мне сказали, что уже давно,
Что глаза давно, света не знали.

Незрячая я…
Ай, волна, ай…

Думала, что земля дрожит,
Может ее туман страшит?
Ай, мне открыли, что по морю мы,
Три чужих страны переплыли.

Ай, волна, ай…

Думала, что свирель звонка,
Думала, тоньше тростника.
Ай, объяснили, что оглохла я,
А свирель моя не поет из-за пыли.

Не слышу я…
Ай, волна, ай…

Принесли б мне ветра дитя,
Думала, я ждала грустя,
Ай, теперь знаю, что к другим ветра.
Как язык костра прилетали шутя.

Бездетная я…
Ай, волна, ай…

Думала, милый каждый день,
Думала, нежен, как капель
Ай, теперь знаю, что любовь моя
Продавалась зря, я продажная…

Ай, волна, возьми меня!
Ай, прими меня!
Ай, волна, ай…
Ай, волна, ай…
Возьми волна, прими волна!
Возьми волна, прими волна!
Возьми волна, прими волна!
Возьми волна, прими волна!
Волна – прими меня….

In 2010. and 2011. around the world have emerged new or restored editions of books by Milorad Pavić. There are some twenty new translations. Thus in Russia were republished novels Landscape Painted with Tea, Inner Side of the Wind, Last Love in Constantinople, Writing box, Star Cape, Second body and collection of short stories Multicoloured eyes. In America within Kindl electronic editions on appeared Unique Item, Blue book and Second body. Also in the fall is expected to be released brand new multimedia edition of Dictionary of the Khazars, which now will be available worldwide in digital form.

Slovaks in „Slovart“ publishing house printed Landscape Painted with Tea and Fake Mole. Greeks have published collection of stories Two fans from Galata, and in Vilnius, in Lithuania was published Dictionary of the Khazars. Azerbaijan has released Dictionary of the Khazars, jubilee edition, with a picture of the monument dedicated to Milorad Pavić in Tašmajdan park.

Georgians in Tbilisi were released Inner Side of the Wind and Dictionary of the Khazars, while the Turks revamped Dictionary of the Khazars by printing it now as an androgynous edition (jointed male and female sample) with a preface of the author.

Interesting was the emergence of Dictionary of the Khazars in Indonesia, who was accompanied by tempestuous literary piracy story.

When it comes to Pavić’s books, in Serbia appears to be completely different phenomenon. Due to the inappropriate length of the probate discussion caused by the reform of the judicature, so far only new edition of Short history of Belgrade and Pavić’s translation of Pushkin „Eugene Onegin“ was published, while for the october Book Fair finally will appear Dictionary of the Khazars, Inner Side of the Wind and Second body, published by the Institute for textbook publishing and teaching aids, the novels which aren’t present in native language for over a year!

Similar Serbo-global situation appears to be going with the Pavić’s posthumous theatrical life. He is immanent everywhere, except in Serbia. In 2010. and 2011. were played premieres in Moscow, Bucharest and Prijedor. Moscow, in the form of musical drama performed Bed for three, in Bucharest Mik Theatre dramatized the Star Cape, while Gradimir Gojer, director from Sarajevo, in Prijedor theater set a play named Petkutin and Kalina – Play Pavich, based on the dramatization of the entire Pavić’s literary work.

Intriguing is Russian multimedia project Dictionary of the Khazars – live, presented at the All-Russian Festival of Science in Moscow this year. This is the concept of approaching the novel from the modern maze standpoint which includes architecture, computer games, theater, film, museum approach etc.. See: „Живой Хазарский Словарь

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В основу создания беспрецедентного future-media-проекта: «Хазарский словарь LIVE» положен роман Милорада Павича «Хазарский Словарь», книга, давшая начало интерактивной литературе 21 века.