Novi Heder 2021 001 1

"A cup for pouring dreams..." - a music and storytelling performance based on "Dictionary of Khazars"

Dear people of the Dictionary of Khazars,
I write to you from Poland.
I want to tell you a little bit about the performance we have made and share a little bit of our joy :-)
Me and my two friends we are folk musicians and storytellers.
We know "Dictionary..." for many years, and more - we somehow live it. We read it on and on, we talk a lot about it, we play with it, look for traces and inspirations... Two years ago we decided to work on a music/storytelling performance based on "Dictionary..." - and so we did. We played it first time exactly year ago.
That's an incredible joy, travel full of surprises, and a never ending work - because we still continue reading, finding new things, and so each time we do completely different performance. We tell stories, we sing stories, we play music... We wrote a lot of songs and music for and from the "Dictionary...", and one of us - a painter and a calligrapher - made wonderful pictures on skins. Now, in the ending of My we are going to play it another two times, and so we are working on a new version now - this time it's going to be about people and satans... :-)
Unfortunately, for now we don't have any information in english, but - because for us a "Dictionary..." is a kind of social thing, we do spread the ideas of it among people and tease them to read, think and share their thoughts - we have made a blog about our perfomance, and our experience with this wonderful book and it's sorroundings.
Here is about our performance that is called "Kubek do Nalewania Snów" ("A cup for pouring dreams")
Here you will find links to some fragments and music at youtube:
Here you can watch paintings made for the performance
And here are few words about us (we act as a Faction of the Princess Ateh :-))
I hope you will enjoy it. If any questions, ideas, anything at all - we are here, listening carefully, open for whatever comes from the khazar's side of the reality :-)
Our best regards
and warm greetings
the Faction of the Princess Ateh in Poland
Katarzyna Enemuo
Iwona Sojka
Barbara Wilińska